Gender Neutral Restrooms

Gender-Neutral Restrooms List

NMSU has a policy that all new buildings must have one gender-neutral restroom.

So far, our list includes the following buildings:

  1. Activity Center: Room 104
  2. Activity Center: Room 105
  3. Aggie Health and Wellness Center: Room 143
  4. Aggie Health and Wellness Center: Room 141
  5. Aggie Health and Wellness Center: Room 100B
  6. Aggie Health and Wellness Center: Room 100A
  7. Alumni & Visitors Center: Room 111A, In Zuhl Museum
  8. Alumni & Visitors Center: Room 111B, In Zuhl Museum
  9. American Indian Student Center: Room 100
  10. Aquatics Center: Room 104
  11. Biology Annex: Room 100BA
  12. Biology Annex: Room 100AB
  13. Breland: Room 113, In east wing
  14. Breland: Room 211, In east wing
  15. Center for the Arts: Room 117, Public Use
  16. Center for the Arts: Room 130
  17. Center for the Arts: Room 131
  18. Center for the Arts: Room 208, Public Use
  19. Center for the Arts: Room 215
  20. Center for the Arts: Room 329, Faculty Only
  21. Chamisa Clubhouse: Room D115R
  22. Communication Sciences Building: Room 181, First floor next to elevator
  23. Corbett Center: Room 139
  24. Corbett Center: Room 141
  25. Engineering Complex I: Room 149
  26. FS Broiler/Shops: Room 19
  27. FS Carpentry: Room 100
  28. FS lock shop: Room 100
  29. Garcia Center: Room 140
  30. Garcia Residence Hall: Room 125, West lobby
  31. Garcia Residence Hall: Room 104, East lobby
  32. Genesis Center C: Room R172
  33. Genesis Center C: Room R173
  34. Hardman and Jacobs: Room 131, Northeast corner of building
  35. Hardman and Jacobs: Room 207, Southeast corner of building
  36. Jett Hall: Room 101, Near Chemical Engineering department
  37. Jett Hall: Room 142, West wing
  38. La vista learning center (Garcia Residence Hall): Room 206
  39. Milton Hall: Room 111, Northwest corner of building
  40. O’Donnell Hall: Room 023B, Across from Subway
  41. O’Donnell Hall: Room 023A, Across from Subway
  42. Pat & Lou Sisbarro Park Restrooms: Room 102
  43. Pat & Lou Sisbarro Park Restrooms: Room 100
  44. Pete V. Domenici Hall: Room 17, Northwest corner of building
  45. Piñon Hall: Room 141, First floor B patio
  46. Piñon Hall: Room 201B, Behind elevator on second floor of Patio A
  47. Piñon Hall: Room 301B, Behind elevator on third floor of Patio A
  48. Rentfrow Hall: Room 102
  49. Rentfrow Hall: Room 102
  50. RGH: Room 138, Garrett first floor
  51. RGH: Room 109, Rhodes first floor
  52. Satellite Chill Water Plant: Room 105
  53. Zuhl Library: Room 128, East side of building