
We offer SafeZone training, presentations on Special Topics, and Speaker’s Bureau Panels. These trainings presentations should include all staff of a department (for example: all professors, admin assistants, GAs, student aides, interns, etc. in an academic department), all students in a class, or all students in a student group as they are intended to influence organizational/classroom/departmental environments and cultures so please plan accordingly when making a request.

A minimum of two weeks notice is preferred.
We reserve the right to deny requests based on staff availability and/or previously scheduled presentations.



SafeZone Training

The SafeZone Training was established to educate and train students, faculty, and staff on how to provide safe and affirming support to members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning community. SafeZone training is 1hr with space built in for questions. We recommend that all departments/groups take this training every other year AND when they onboard new staff (including student staff)

Special Topics

Specialized presentations on various topics which concern LGBTQ issues can be created for your organization or class. We request that if you choose this option, you contact LGBT+ Programs two weeks prior to when you would like the presentation. Some of these topics include disability and intersectionality, health equity for LGBT+ people, and other LGBTQ panels.

Training on Disability and Intersectionality

A one hour workshop on how to make spaces more accessible and inclusive. This workshop uses intersectionality as a lens to break down overlapping oppressions that minoritized individuals face and offers strategies for how to create equitable solutions for your department or student group.